Monday, March 28, 2016

CFO Guidance and Counseling for K1 (and Spouse) with Foreign Partners

My Fiancee Visa Road-map to become Mrs. Edmiston 

CFO Guidance and Counseling for K1 (and Spouse) with Foreign Partners 

All Filipino FiancĂ©/e/s, spouses and partners of Foreign Nationals or former Filipino citizens are required to attend the CFO Guidance and Counseling Seminar.  This seminar is a requirement in compliance with RA 10364 (An act expanding the Anti-Trafficking in Person Act of 2012) for intermarriages and RA 8239 of Department of Foreign Affairs for spouses of foreign nationals or former Filipino citizens who are applying for a passport adopting the surnames of their foreign husband. 

You cannot be allowed to depart the Country if you don't have the CFO Sticker and Certificate (GCC) from attending the CFO. So this is equally important as your VISA. 


A. with Visa 

1.  Register On-line to book your preferred schedule. They are NOT ACCEPTING WALK-IN APPLICANTS. 
2. Go to CFO Website:
3. Click GCP to access online appointment system 

You can choose to attend in Manila or Cebu at your convenience. 

4. Answer the following, this will      check if you are required to attend the GCP. You need a valid email address that you can access to proceed. 

Note: Your partner can register you on this and send you the Confirmation when done to print and bring to the Seminar. 

5. Then check your email as advised. 

6. Confirm your email address and proceed with the appointment process. 

7.  Select your preferred schedule. 

8.  Provide the necessary information and click SUBMIT at the bottom of the questionnaire. 

9. Upon submission you will get a confirmation of the appointment with your details. 

10. Print and bring to the CFO - GCP schedule.   

B. without Visa 

1. Follow registration process
2. upon completion of the CFO/ GCP proceed to Ground Floor for payment
3. They will release a GC Certificate. 
4. come back with your Visa/ Passport to get the sticker attached on your passport. 

CFO / GCP Seminar Process 
1. Arrive at the CFO Office at least 1.5 hours before your schedule. I was there at 6:30am for a 9am schedule and it was way too early. They started letting people in by 7:30am. So getting there by 7:30 am is more reasonable. 

2. On the Guard - show passport, appointment confirmation and 1 photo ID. The guard will take the ID and will give you a badge with F on it. Then you will be instructed to proceed to 3rd Floor. 

3. 3rd Floor - approach the counter and you will be given another form/s. I already have the other form they are asking to fill-out so I only filled out one set of forms. They will ask if you already have a Visa. 
   Questions of the Form/s: 
      1. Bio Info- you and fiance/e
      2. Fiance's Mother's maiden name
      3. Educational background- you and fiance/e
      4. Address in the US, address in PH, contact person in PH not travelling with you
      5. Visa / Passport Details 
      6. Any K2 / derivatives details 
      7. Questions are basically very easy (mostly the same questions will be asked during
          the one -on one interview with the counselor) 

4. Submit Forms, you will be asked some questions, like fiance's birthday and then photo 
     capture. I was not asked to submit a photo. That photo will reflect on your GC 

5. They will advise you on your room assignment, there will be around 10-15 people in the 
    room. They group together per Country (US, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, etc). Eat 
   breakfast if you haven't not eaten yet, the seminar will through until past noon. I ate breakfast but I was starving when I finally received my sticker and GCC by around 2pm. 

6. You will be called for the one on one interview. This will start around 9:30am; the interview will be just outside the seminar venue, the reception area. So nothing intimidating about the room. 

7. One person after the other will be called, after all has been called; they will start the presentation. The presentation is 1.5 - 2 hours. 

One on one interview questions and discussions: 
   Asked for Passport and they will keep it. 

1How did we meet? when, where, first meeting, etc. 
2. His previous wife was a Filipina too so more questions on that. They actually checked the ex-wife's name on their database of CFO certificates to check if she was also K1 or Spouse visa, the counselor told me this. So I told her the x wife migrated when was around 13 and they met in the states. 
3. Reason of divorce? Didn't ask for a copy of divorce papers. 
4. Talk about his children, custody, visitations, have I meet the kids, how are they? etc. I have been in the States twice and have been going out with my fiance and his kids when i am there. 
5. Have i met the x wife? I said no, I mentioned we go to their house to pick up the kids but never met her. 
6. Asked if I was married, i mentioned I had an annulment. ask for a copy of my Cenomar and annotated MC. She said she don't need a copy of my annulment papers- it was too personal. although i have a copy with me. 
7. Reason of annulment, talked about child's custody. My kids are 17 and 20 yrs old so no issues since they are all grown up. But I mentioned when was the last time they saw their dad which was 14 years ago.
8.  When we plan to get married, I mentioned month this year. 
9. Ask for a copy of my fiance's Passport 

NO photos asked or any communication documents. 

After the Seminar, the counselor will advise you to proceed to the GF for payment. 

Prepare P400.00 wait for your name to be called at Window 7. 
Wait for your name to be called at window 6 - present OR, release of the Passport with sticker and CFO GCC. 

MY CFO Sticker, GCC and OR.